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Legislative Priorities for 2024 Session

Regenerative Food Systems

Farm to school

  • Creating new position in DOE and UH CTAR (more farm to school, school garden, and Arborists coordinators)

Food insecurity and imported foods

  • Farm to food bank program and Hawaii food assistance program special fund (SB430)

Restoration of Native Hawaiian farming practices

Food Waste

Climate and The Economy

Carbon Cashback

  • Tax importers and producers of fossil fuels

    • exception for local agriculture vs. culturally-based/diversified agriculture systems

  • Return 80% of revenues to people in lowest four quintiles

  • 20% of revenues available for subsidies for solar panels, electric vehicles, regenerative food systems

  • Bills:  SB2525 and HB2178

Clean Energy and Transportation


  • State: 

    • HB199 HD1 zero emission vehicle purchasing assistance for vehicle fleets

    • SB965 SD2 HD1 Green Infrastructure Transportation Taskforce

    • continuous emissions monitoring from incinerators for hazardous air pollutants like dioxins, furans, mercury, and heavy metals

  • City and County 

    • Railroads 

    • Expansion of the bus transportation systems

    • zero-emission school bus mandate and incentives to support fleet transition. This will also address keiki health. 

Clean Energy

  • Solar on Newly Constructed Homes

  • HawaiÊ»i Home Energy Assistance Program

  • Permitting Reform

  • SB 1154 - Wheeling

  • Dismantle HELCO, create co-op

Climate Justice & Human Rights


Climate research funding

  • Where is Hawaii in the process of combating climate change?

  • Who in Hawaii are most affected by climate change? 

  • Research database 

  • Connected bills HB441 and SB657 

Appropriate funding to DOE for climate education programs

  • Promoting factual climate change lessons

Initiatives we support:

Carbon Cashback - extra emphasis on redistribution of resources 

The Green Fee - sustainable reliance on tourism

Sustainable Infrastructure & Development

What is urban planning?

The Problem- Low Density/Urban Sprawl:

  • Single family home mandates vs. other housing 

  • Wasteful: More resources spent, more energy spent, more carbon emissions 

  • Dependent on cars for transportation—> more carbon emissions

A Solution- Higher density/Upzoning

  • Decrease in carbon emissions 

  • Apartments and multi family homes (less space taken up, building up instead of out)

  • Everything is in walking distance —-> less reliance on cars

  • Promotes healthier transportation options: Biking, walking, etc

Other Solutions:

  • Affordable eco-housing/material 

  • Tiny house/portable houses

  • Renewable energy 

  • Planting trees

  • Multipurpose homes


  • California [SB9]: Legalizes (with small exceptions like for fire-prone areas) building duplexes in all previously single family home zones

  • Washington [HB1351] Reduces minimum lot size requirements

  • [HB839] 2023: Eligible housing developers prepare mandatory statement on sustainability efforts and environmental impact 

  • [HB837] Establishes objectives for green spaces and green infrastructure, making plants and tree lines available in public spaces

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